Peduli Anak on Kick Andy Show

Peduli Anak on Kick Andy Show

Child Support Plan
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Peduli Anak’s Founder, Chaim Fetter, was recently interviewed on Kick Andy Show Metro TV, on 2 October 2015. Kick Andy show is a popular talkshow in Indonesia, hosted by Andy Noya. The show features human interest, aspiring people and stories.

Chaim Fetter, is one of the guest stars along with other amazing people from Institut Musik Jalanan who helps street musicians and talented young people in music. The topic of the show is about people who give opportunities to marginalized communities, such as street musician and street children.

Chaim shares his personal story behind the establishment of Peduli Anak and his hopes for the better future for children in Indonesia. He came to Indonesia for the first time about 10 years ago for a holiday. In Lombok, he was surprised to see many street children begging in the streets. Therefore, he decided to help a child by sending him back to school and since then he was moved to do more and help other children.

Watch the interview with English subtitle here:

Also briefly interviewed is Sugeng, who used to live in Peduli Anak and star in our film Little Treasures of Lombok. He is now almost 19 and a college student studying Multimedia Design in Jakarta.

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