
Let’s Help Orphans and Neglected Children to Go to School

US $ 31,862.39 collected from US $ 45,454.55
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8191 Donations
fundraising ended
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“I don’t go to school because my grandmother can’t afford to pay for me to go to school” – Ahmad Paesal (8), Foster Child of Peduli Anak Foundation.

Ahmad Paesal (8), or Paesal, is an orphan and abandoned child. His father died when he was only six years old, and shortly after, his mother left him for no reason. Since then, Paesal has had to live with his ailing grandmother, who was also forced to leave him. Paesal survived on the mercy of neighbors before being referred to Peduli Anak Foundation.

Founded in 2006 by Chaim Fetter, a Dutch convert, Yayasan Peduli Anak provides quality education, love and family warmth to abandoned children like Paesal. Facilities at the foundation include a residential house, musholla, clinic, sports facilities, and gardens, all designed to provide a better life for them.

Education is our main focus, with free elementary and junior high schools that are also open to children outside the foundation. Counselors (Psychologists) are also available for mental health therapy, given the traumatic background of some of the children.

However, as more children need help, their educational needs and costs have also increased. These costs include:

1. Tuition fees (elementary, junior high, high school, and college)
2. Purchase of school uniforms
3. Purchase of shoes and bags
4. Purchase of books and stationery
5. Equipment and materials for art classes

To shape the future generation of the nation, we need your support. By setting aside a small fortune, you can participate in supporting these disadvantaged children to achieve their dreams. You can donate or get involved by:

Click “Donate Now”
Enter the donation amount
Choose Bank (Go-Pay/BNI/Mandiri/BCA/BRI/BNI Syariah/Credit Card)
Click “DONATE” and follow the next steps

Or transfer directly to:

BCA 056 774 1111 in the name of YAY PEDULI ANAK
BNI 079 919 0240 in the name of PEDULI ANAK

Together, we can make a significant difference in their lives.




Disclaimer: Peduli Anak Foundation honors the donor’s request for this specific project or program whenever possible. When the funds collected exceed the amount needed during the agreed period, Peduli Anak Foundation will allocate the extra amount for other children in need. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution. Peduli Anak Foundation maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds.

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Disclaimer: Peduli Anak Foundation honors the donor’s request for this specific project or program whenever possible. When the funds collected exceed the amount needed during the agreed period, Peduli Anak Foundation will allocate the extra amount for other children in need. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution. Peduli Anak Foundation maintains discretion and sole control over the use of all donated funds.
