The children of Peduli Anak recently had the pleasure of welcoming representatives from Avian Brands, a well-known paint company, for a vibrant and colorful visit. The day was filled with engaging activities that allowed the children to explore their creativity through coloring.
During the visit, the representatives from Avian Brands invited the primary and middle school children to participate in a DIY activity where they colored various characters made from clay. The children eagerly took on the challenge, carefully selecting colors and bringing the clay figures to life with their imaginative designs.
After the coloring session, the Avian Brands team selected the 10 best-colored clay figures. The children who created these outstanding pieces were rewarded with special gifts—drinking tumblers that they proudly received.
Following the DIY activity, a few children joined forces with the Avian Brands representatives to color the walls of the sports center at Peduli Anak. This collaborative effort not only brightened the space but also gave the children a sense of accomplishment as they contributed to enhancing their surroundings.
Avian Brands has been a long-time supporter of Peduli Anak, generously providing their premium paint products to color the walls of the Peduli Anak centers in Lombok and Sumbawa. Their contributions have helped create a warm and inviting atmosphere for the children.
Ms. Janice, a representative from Avian Brands, shared her thoughts on the activities, saying, “It was wonderful to see the children so engaged in the coloring activities. We are proud to support Peduli Anak and help provide an environment where these children can thrive. Watching them carefully choose colors and bring their ideas to life was truly heartwarming.”
The visit from Avian Brands was a memorable day for the children of Peduli Anak, filled with the joy of coloring, creativity, and a sense of community.